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Tips ‘n Tricks

AmazIT 6.0 by Nicola Sagliano

Here we are at version 6.0 of our beloved ROM AmazIT, the Amazfit Pace ROM for the Italian language, this version brings several improvements that you can see in the video below as well as read them in the changelog. Source: AmazIT 6 | Nicola Sagliano

Amazfit Pace 2 and 2S FAQ Added to Site

Thanks to the scarily good (mostly) translation by Google – we have Huami’s FAQ for the new Amazfit Pace 2 online now. You can better see the differences between the two models as well as a number of other features. Amazfit Pace 2 FAQ

New XDA Amazfit Pace Project: Paceficator

PACEficator Project is a Windows installer for PACEfied ROM, based on v1.2.44 Rel.31, and its goal is to help people installing the ROM adding some extra features. Based on latest PACEfied ROM Multi-menu GUI Multilanguage installer (Spanish and English for now) Automatic watch model detection Automatic installation Optional init.d scripts Optional boot animations Lot of mods, tweaks, and extras […]

How to use (some) Android Wear Apps on Amazfit Pace

Member TygrysT on the Round Android Watches forums on Proboards has a write-up on how to extract, modify, and test apps created for Android Wear on Android-based smartwatches like the Amazfit Pace. I followed his guide succesfully some time ago. ( Big Hint: if the app also relies on a phone app – it’s not going […]

Amazfit Bip: How to Change Language using GadgetBridge

Huami  and Xiaomi are very generous in supporting Amazfit Bip . With the latest releases of 9.26 and 9.40 wearable has earned the official English localization and the ability to replace watchfaces respectively . However, following this latest update, setting a language other than English will force us to use the Chinese language. In this guide we will show you how to bypass this using GadgetBridge . The link below […]

What’s new on the Simple Amazfit Watchface Builder?

Since Fabio unfortunately doesn’t provide a changelog for his amazing, and still free!, Amazfit Pace Watchface Builder site – a handy way to see what he’s testing is to follow his own user account to see the watchfaces he’s added. There’s nothing new within the last month, but it’s worth tracking to see if a […]