Our Top 10 Fittest Cities

What makes a “fit” city? To us, it’s the people. We put you (and all our Amazfit users) front and center, using your data to find an answer. Source: Amazfit | Our Top 10 Fittest Cities

Amazfit Product Features

Now that you’ve had your Amazfit for a few days, you’ve probably started using it to track your sleep and steps. But did you know that you could customize your… Source: Amazfit | Amazfit Product Features

Huami Amazfit Bip Lite – a new Xiaomi watch (price and opinions)

After Xiaomi Huami Amazfit’s success, Huami, subdivision of Xiaomi, has launched another smartwatch, Huami Amazfit Bip Lite, a version that looks very much like the Apple watch. I do not know when it was officially launched, but the clock is already available for sale at the online Chinese shops, the price charged is slightly smaller […]

Work – Digitalization

Wearable Technology Technology enriches the human experience. With every new device, it becomes even more ingrained into who we are- our phones, our clothes, our bodies. Source: Work – Digitalization