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Amazing Stories will be shipping our fourth issue in May (but probably not May the Fourth) and we’re looking towards our fall issue which will be our 1st Anniversary!

We’ve lined up a lot of talent for this issue. Vincent di Fate is doing a kick-ass cover and here are the writers who have committed to supply a story – Shirley Meier, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Paul Levinson, Jack McDevitt, R.S. Belcher, Dave Creek, Adam-Troy Castro, Sally McBride, Paul Di Filippo , Sean Chappell, T. B. Jeremiah, Jack Clemons, Amber Royer, Matthew Hughes, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, S.P. Somtow, and Allen Steele!

We want to make this issue all-color and use premium printing. Towards this, we’re doing crowdfunding. Click below and signup, renew your subscription, or get a new subscription for a friend or two!


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