Updates December 7, 2017 0 Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Bip INTERNATIONAL by Senior Editor Frédérik Bau, on the Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Bip Facebook Group has posted a French Firmware for the Amazfit Bip. Source: Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Bip French Firmware SHARE:
Huami/Zepp July 9, 2019 0 Huami Amazfit GTR smartwatch to be unveiled on July 16 by Senior Editor The next smartwatch in Huami’s Amazfit line is coming soon. Source: Huami Amazfit GTR smartwatch to be unveiled on July 16
Amazfit T-Rex / Ares June 29, 2021 0 Amazfit T-Rex Pro is shaping up to be one of the toughest smartwatches yet by Senior Editor Tyrannosaurus specs Source: Amazfit T-Rex Pro is shaping up to be one of the toughest smartwatches yet | TechRadar