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AmazIT 3.1 | Nicola Sagliano

(Amazit is an alternative to PACEfied – an alternate Italian watch ROM based on Stable Chinese ROM releases)

Here is the hot fix for version 3 of the AMAZIT that solves several bugs of the old version!

If you want to support this ROM, my site and my youtube channel you can make a free donation through Paypal:

Before asking questions or exposing your doubts, I encourage you to read the considerations on the ROM that are at the bottom of this guide so that you understand what is changing from other versions and the reasons for some choices.

If you want to install this ROM and you still do not have an Amazfit, you can buy it at the lowest price as gearbest, both the American and Chinese versions are fine choose what costs less, it will come with the unlocked bootloader just DO NOT upgrade to the latest version as you he comes home!

Source: AmazIT 3.1 | Nicola Sagliano


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